You pay $50 per month and you great network with Sprint.
The only drawback may be that you need a Boost Phone. If you have a plan right now, however, you can get a Boost Phone for free by merely bring in 3 things.
current phone number
current account number
current password
If you are wondering about the phones, we have four in stock now that you can get for FREE if you switch to Boost $50 per month plan. Click on the name below to get more information on each phone.
Come in with 1) your current account number and 2) password and buy Boost $50 monthly no contract plan that has unlimited data with 4G Speed and you choose from one of 5 phones.
Before we talk about the phones, Boost has what we consider the best plan that you can have for only $50 per month:
unlimited4G data
unlimited calls
mobile hot spot (8G)
If you do not use alot of internet you can opt for the $25 per month plan that allows up to 2G of data. In order to have Boost you need to have one of their phones. Switch now and you have your choice of 5 different phones to pick from
Are you happy with your current carrier, plan or phone??? How do you feel
about a plan that will cost you $50 per month for unlimited calls, unlimited texts and most importantly unlimited 4G speed!!
If you add their Boost Dealz app on your phone the monthly bills drops to $45. Then even drops lower to $40 if you set up automatic monthly withdrawal.
Please note Boost (Sprint network) does not work on unlocked phones, you need to have a Boost phone, but this month they will give you one of two free phones to switch Alcatel Dawn or LG K3.
What are you waiting for??? Call your current carrier and get 1) your account number and 2) password and come on in to see us. We need this to keep your current number.
Remember the promotion is only good for November!!
Boost has a great plan right now that has unlimited calls, unlimited texts andunlimited 4G data that costs $50 per month. You can not beat that, especially when there are no contracts!!!
The only problem is that you need a Boost phone to get Boost, but they have some great deals like this Samsung J3 for only $80.
If that is too much you can buy an LG K3 for $20. That’s right only $20 and you get a new phone. Bring in your account number and password today..
This Android™ 5.1 phone is certified IP57 water and dust proof. With a large 5-inch qHD screen, 1.1GHz quad-core processor, and Wet Touchscreen Operation it’s ready to handle anything you throw at it.
Although the customer had to pay $50 for the phone yesterday, she will get the $50 credited to her account in the third month.
For a plan she chose the $50 unlimited data plan. Lets review here costs the next three months:
Month 1 = 100 : $50 for phone and $50 for service
Month 2 = 50: $50 for plan and $3 billing fee
Month 3= 0: the fee will be 0 since the $50 will be credited
The total cost for the phone and service for the next 3 months will be $150. You can’t beat that!! A new phone and an unlimited data plan for $50 per month!!
New phone for only $39.99. Here is the best part. Afer you make two payments (2 months), Boost will credit your account $40!!! In essence the phone is free.
Let’s say you needed unlimited internet, the plan only costs $50 per month. If you were to buy this phone today with the the unlimited plan
Month 1: $40 for phone and $50 for plan = $90
Month 2: $50 for plan = $50
Month 3: $50 for plan less $40 credit= $10
You need to pay a little more the first month but you get it back in the 3rd month. We also recommend that you
Add Boost Dealz which drops your bill by $5
Add the insurance which increases your bill by $7
Net cost of $2
If you need a need phone and want unlimited internet, come on down!!!
Let me explain, we are currently selling 3 phones:
LG K3 $30
Alcatel Dawn $40
Hydro $50
You have to pay up front for the phone but you get that amount back credited to your account in the 3rd month. In essence the phone is FREE but you need to be with Boost two months to get your money back.
Alcatel Dawn
There is only a 7 day guarantee on the Boost phones. After the first week, the customer is out of luck unless they have insurance.
We strongly recommend that you add the insurance the day you buy the phone or the 2nd month you make a payment. After that you are out of luck.
This is an app that you upload from the Google PlayStore. Only check off one
Hydro Reach
interest. Every time you open the phone it will open on your phoone, just close it . Best part you get $5 credited to your account after it is on your phone for 30 days.
Put the insurance and Boost Dealz app on your phone for a net cost of $2. If anything happens to your new phone after the 7 day warranty, you will have a new phone the next day for a very small deductible