Boost unlimited data, calls & texts for $50 peer month

  • No contracts!
  • No data overage charges!
  • You pay $50 per month and you great network with Sprint.

The only drawback may be that you need a Boost Phone.  If you have a plan right now, however, you can get a Boost Phone for free by merely bring in 3 things.

  1. current phone number
  2. current account number
  3. current password

If you are wondering about the phones, we have four in stock now that you can get for FREE if you switch to Boost $50 per month plan.   Click on the name below to get more information on each phone.

  1. Boost Kyocera Hydro
  2. Boost Alcatel Dawn
  3. Boost LG K3
  4. Boost Tribute HD